Prof. Luca Maria Aiello
Associate Professor @ ITU Copenhagen
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Press highlights
[Oct 2024] Snapchat discovery: Users can be redirected to drug trafficking sites.
[Mar 2024] Mastodon Migration paper in Scientific Reports top 50 in 2023
[Feb 2024] Researchers show Reddit users caused the famous GameStop short squeeze.
[Dec 2023] Ron Gilbert tooted about us! 🐒🐒🐒
[Dec 2023] Get Out of the Nest! Nature Blog
[Dec 2023] Study on Mastodon Migration. Fediverse Report
[Aug 2023] Can Urban Form Affect Covid Cases? Dense City Podcast
[Jul 2023] IC2S2 Copenhagen was a blast!
[Jul 2023] Cultural and societal factors significantly affect sleep. Research Square
[Jul 2023] Cultural and individual factors influence sleep quantity and quality. News Medical
[Jul 2023] Ultimate world sleep rankings. Daily Mail
[Dec 2022] The Strength of Knowledge Ties. Nature Blog
[Oct 2022] In Knowledge we Trust. The Language of Persuasion in Social Media. Nature Blog
[Sep 2022] The Future of Contemporary Art. RAI
[Sep 2022] Mapping the NFT Revolution: exhibit at MEET Milano
[Jun 2022] NERDS won the Research Environment of the Year Award!
[Jun 2022] NaN (Not an NFT) exhibition. Sonar BCN
[Apr 2022] How Gamestop's Stock Price Was Squeezed. Talkmarkets
[Apr 2022] Dream Scientists Are Collecting and Analyzing Dream Data. Well+Good
[Mar 2022] Mapping the NFT Revolution in Scientific Reports top 10 in 2021
[Mar 2022] Mapping the NFT revolution. Artribune
[Mar 2022] Beeple reflects over historic $69 million digital art sale. NBC News
[Mar 2022] Art & Technology: Recommended Readings. Sotheby's
[Mar 2022] Advantages and potential risks of blockchain in art market. Lampoon
[Mar 2022] Why do some NFTs sell for so much? Le Monde
[Mar 2022] NFTs Don’t Work the Way You Might Think They Do. Wired
[Feb 2022] Weird pandemic dreams might be good for you. CBC
[Dec 2021] I was awarded the Carlsberg Semper Ardens grant
[Dec 2021] Pulling Back the Curtain on NFTs. Discover
[Dec 2021] Money Box: NFTs. BBC Radio 4
[Dec 2021] NFTs: four “secrets” to understand their real value. Domus
[Dec 2021] The NFT Economy Is Just as Unequal as the Real One. Vice Motherboard
[Dec 2021] NFTs Deflate the Democratic Potential for the Medium. Hyperallergic
[Dec 2021] Auction Houses: Challenges for Now and the Future. Medium
[Dec 2021] Top 10% of NFT Traders Perform 85% of All Transactions. ARTnews
[Nov 2021] It's OK not to know about NFTs. Buzzfeed
[Nov 2021] Why are some nonfungible tokens so expensive?. DW
[Nov 2021] 75% of NFTs sell for less than 15$. Business Insider
[Nov 2021] The majority of NFTs cost less than 15$. RT
[Nov 2021] Science proves it: Most NFTs are worthless. FastCompany
[Nov 2021] A map to visualize the NFT revolution. Il Sole 24 Ore
[Nov 2021] Mapping the NFT revolution. YouTube
[Nov 2021] Artificial intelligence interprets your dreams
[Oct 2021] What Data Science Can Tell Us About Our Dreams. Discover
[Sep 2021] A chat with the great William Shatner
[Jul 2021] Researchers have identified the 3 stages of pandemic emotions. Fast Company
[Jul 2021] 'Streetonomics': What our addresses say about us? BBC Future
[Jul 2021] How streets got their name. Fast Company
[Jul 2021] Streets names shows cities are worlds apart. The Times
[Jul 2021] 'Machismo' is in the streets. El País
[Jul 2021] Can the soul of a city be read in the names of its streets? Le Figaro
[Jul 2021] Do Dreams Reflect Reality? The Economist
[Sep 2020] New Insights Into Dreams and What They Say About Us. WSJ
[Sep 2020] Dream analysis with AI. The Naked Scientist
[Sep 2020] A.I. that could help analyze the world's dreams. Digitaltrends
[Aug 2020] Living the Dream. Daily Mail
[Aug 2020] Scientists Created AI to Analyze People's Dreams on a Massive Scale. Vice
[Aug 2020] On life and dreams. Cosmos Magazine
[Aug 2020] Dreams could help understanding mental health in pandemics. inews
[Aug 2020] An algorithm to find the hidden patterns in your dreams. Sciencemag
[Apr 2020] Ten Social Dimensions of Conversations
[Jan 2020] AI can now design cities. Should we let it? FastCompany
[Oct 2019] Data Science Pioneers got 4000+ live viewers. Dataiku
[Dec 2019] Best visualizations of the Web. Visualizing data
[Dec 2019] Un anno di Tumblr senza porno. Il Post
[Dec 2019] Tumblr’s First Year Without Porn. The Atlantic
[Oct 2019] Data Science Pioneers documentary: Conquering the next frontier. Dataiku
[Oct 2019] Poor but healthy. Information is Beautiful
[Jun 2019] Best Reviewer Award at ICWSM'19, Munich
[Jun 2019] Smellscapes. Quartz
[May 2019] Grocery bills can predict diabetes rates by neighborhood. MIT Tech Review
[Mar 2019] Tumblr loses almost a third of its users after banning porn. Mashable
[Jan 2019] How social media images can predict gentrification in cities. World Economic Forum
[Dec 2018] Tumblr's porn ban slams the door on women and other marginalized communities. The Next Web
[Dec 2018] A Quarter of Tumblr's Users Are There to Consume Porn. Vice Motherboard
[Dec 2018] Tumblr Fans Abandon Ship as Tumblr Bans Porn. New York Times
[Jul 2018] What do Chicago neighborhoods smell like?. Block Party
[Jul 2018] Chicago stinks, especially in summer. Chicago Tribune
[Jun 2018] La primera señal de que van a subir los precios de los pisos en tu barrio. El Confidencial
[Jun 2018] How Culture Shapes Economic Development. Citylab
[Jun 2018] Social media images of culture can predict economic trends in cities.
[Jun 2018] The future of maps: Cartography in the 21st century. CNN
[Jun 2018] Predicting gentrification with social media. Evening Standard
[Jun 2018] Social media predict the health of neighborhoods. Techcrunch
[Jun 2018] Social media images of culture can predict economic trends in cities. Frontiers
[May 2018] Brexit and Trump screwed with our hearts, on New Scientist
[May 2018] Culture can cure cities, on Document Journal
[May 2018] How culture pays off, on Heise Tech Review (German)
[Apr 2018] Data mining confirms that culture makes cities richer, on MTR
[Mar 2018] The Smartest Ways to Use Email at Work, on WSJ
[Oct 2017] "City Life", on GoodCityLife (printed magazine)
[May 2017] Interview on Sensory Mapping aired on Radio New Zealand
[Mar 2017] "Smellfies" featured on BBC News
[Mar 2017] "London stinkmap could change urban planning" on Wired
[Feb 2017] Coverage on our project on Russian Monotowns
[Feb 2017] Article on Smelly Maps on Citymetric
[Feb 2017] VentureBeat covers our work on iPhone apps spending
[Jan 2017] "Porn in the age of social media" on Oggiscienza (ITA)
[Dec 2016] So... How Much Porn Is on Tumblr? Thank you, data science. Vice Motherboard
[Oct 2016] "GoodCityLife on Best American Inforgraphics
[Jul 2016] Mapping the Sensory City, interview on StreetBlogUSA
[Oct 2015] "In a world of email, ASAP is relative" on Wall Street Journal
[Oct 2015] "Predicting Consumer Behavior" on Wall Street Journal
[May 2015] "Algorithm Spots Beauty Humans Overlook" in MIT Tech Rev
[Feb 2015] "The Shortest Path to Happiness. Literally" Ted Ideas
[Aug 2014] "Culture as a Formal Computational Concept" MIT Tech Rev
[Jul 2014] "We need this!" WIRED take on our Happy Maps
More to come. Work in progress
Latest talks and events
[Oct 2024] Panel at D3A conference "From classroom to career"
[Jun 2024] Keynote at Biblioteca Hertziana
[Mar 2024] Talk at SciencesPo Medialab
[Feb 2024] Talk at Bocconi's COVID crisis lab
[Jun 2023] Talk at ITU Lectures on Language Technology and Society
[May 2023] Keynote at French Regional Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS)
[Mar 2023] Talk at UMFG's DCC Week
[Feb 2023] Talk at UCL Global Business School
[Feb 2023] Talk at ITU RAD Workshop
[Oct 2022] Keynote at Discovery Science conference
[Sep 2022] Lecture at Ghent Summer of Dans
[Jul 2022] Seminar at KAIST on NFTs
[Apr 2022] Invited talk at AnetLab
[Jul 2021] Lecture at Exeter School on Urban Analytics
[Dec 2019] Two talks at Complex Networks, Lisbon
[Sep 2019] Keynote at ACM UMCit School, Barcelona
[Aug 2019] Keynote at Cambridge Networks Day
[Jul 2019] Lecture at CSS Summer School, Berlin
[Jul 2019] Oral presentation at IC2S2'19, Amsterdam
[Jul 2019] Invited Talk at Complex Network Workshop, Lipari
[Jul 2019] Invited talk and panel at EGG'19, London
[Jun 2019] Best Reviewer Award at ICWSM'19, Munich
[Jun 2019] Paper presented at ICWSM'19, Munich
[Jun 2019] Invited talk Summer School in Social Network Analysis, Greenwich
[Jun 2019] Invited Talk at University College Dublin
[Feb 2019] Invited talk at Central European University, Budapest
[Feb 2019] Keynote at Catz Graduate Symposium, Cambridge
[Jan 2019] Invited Talk at Applied Machine Learning Days, Lausanne
[Dec 2018] Program Chair for Conference on Complex Networks'18
[Nov 2018] is out! Play for free!
[Nov 2018] Three papers presented at CSCW'18
[Oct 2018] Invited talk at the UK Network Science Workshop
[Oct 2018] Invited talk at the Global Future Forum London
[Oct 2018] Keynote at the Sensor Days Cambridge
[Sep 2018] Keynote at the final iResponse workshop
[Sep 2018] Keynote at the European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems
[Jun 2018] The Human Perception of Social Relationships at NetSci
[Jun 2018] Keynote at Machine learning in Network Science Workshop (NetSci)
[May 2018] Two talks at the Digital Health and Wellbeing Conference in Milton Keynes
[Apr 2018] Hearts and Politics: Tracking Biorhythm Changes during Brexit and Trump at ACM Digital health
[Apr 2018] Keynote at the MatNet workshop (WWW)
[Nov 2017] European Symposium on CSS in London
[Oct 2017] Keynote at iKnow'17
[Oct 2017] Keynote talk at Iknow workshop on Recommender Systems
[Sep 2017] Keynote talk at MOD industrial track
[Jun 2017] Invited talk at CSIC Emerging Connections Workshop
[Jun 2017] A Tale of Beauty and Happiness at DataInsights Cambridge
[Apr 2017] SNOW Workshop at WWW'17
[Feb 2017] Invited talk at Queen Mary University
[Feb 2017] Chatty maps at Royal Society Open Science Event
[Feb 2017] Evolution of Ego Networks at WSDM'17
[Jan 2017] Big Data Analysis tutorial at Greenwich Winter School
[Nov 2016] Talk at the CSS Initiative meeting
[Nov 2016] Got to wear a suit at the Turing Gateway of Mathematics
[Oct 2016] Nominated Fellow of the ISI Foundation
[Oct 2016] Opened seminar series of the Data Analysis class at EPFL
More to come. Work in progress